I write articles that make dieting easier, training more productive & life more enjoyable. Find them here.
One of the aspects of our life we rarely pay attention to, but is it one of the most important?
With so many physiological differences between males and females, is it right to think that they lose fat in the same way and at the same rate as one another?
You've got your macros - now what?
Strapped for cash but still looking to shed some pounds? This is where you need to be.
Thinking about entering a cutting phase? Read this before you begin - the more prepared you are, the better you'll be able to handle things & align your own expectations.
Does starting younger mean you've got more time to make gains, or are you shooting yourself in the foot by beginning so early?
Looking to start a cut? Read this to ensure you don't burn through your hard earned muscle!
Not quite sure how to go about eating something that you haven't prepared yourself? Fear not - your friendly neighbourhood flexible dieting man is here to the rescue.
Ever wanted to take down that towering triple-patty, ultra-cheesy, four extra pieces of bacon burger? Put in your order son - this is how you do just that, without blowing your macros and your fat loss progress.
Keen for a few beers? Read this before you get lit & have a macro-tracking shocker.
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